Fabric Lip Balm Holder Tutorial
I am on a mission to DIY some Christmas gifts and want to give you instructions for a fabric lip balm holder tutorial. These little lip balm holders have a swivel hook and key ring on them to make it easy to attach to a backpack or a purse. The kids love them. Always have moist lips at your fingertips. lol. that rhymed.
Supply List:
Fabric – Quality Cotton Fabric (2) 8″ x 2.5″, (1) 2.5″ x 2.5″
Cut 2 of quality fabric at 8″ x 2.5″
Additionally, cut 1 of quality fabric at 2.5″ x 2.5″
Plus, cut 1 of fusible interfacing at 8″ x 2.5″

Construction of fabric lip balm holder tutorial:
Press fusible interfacing to wrong side of 1 piece of fabric

Press 2.5″ square. Fold edges to center.

Bring both folded edges together and press again.

Topstitch on both edges 1/8″ from edge.

Add key ring to tab. Fold tab in half. Clip to top of 8″ piece (centered) with 3/8″ extended past fabric on right side. Sew down 1/4″ to attach.
Place other 8″ piece, right sides together, on top of piece with ring and tab on it.

Clip or pin together.
Stitch 1/4″ seam leaving an opening to turn.
Clip off extended tab and clip off corners close to stitching being mindful not to clip into stitching.

Turn inside out. Poke corners out and press, pressing in the opening.

Fold up the bottom 3 3/8″ forming a pocket. Pin or clip. Topstitch all the way around using a 1/8″ seam allowance.

Add swivel clasp to key ring. Voila!
Here is another quick gift to whip up.
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